Here Comes the Sun
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Friday, November 11th, 2005, as I left work at 6:30am, the sunrise was exceptionally brilliant. While I didn't have a camera with me, my wife, Suzy, got the shot from the park near our home. As the best sunrise photo yet, between us, there was no question about placing it at the top of this page.

A beautiful sunrise reflection of late-fall leafless trees, at a pond in Fort collins, colorado

Suzy and I hiked in to climb Spearhead, a unique formation in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, August 18th in 2007. With a need to start the approach early, 4:30am, we were one or two miles into the mountains by the time this beautiful sunrise finally started to develop.

Sunrise along the Glacier Gorge trail in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

On December 13th, 2012, I took a hike about five miles into the Wild Basin area on Rocky Mountain National Park. I wasn't sure how long I was going to stay out, so to avoid being out after sunset I got an early start (4:20 AM). This was the sunrise of the day.

Sunrise in December on the train in the Wild Basin, Rocky Mountain National Park

The rest of these shots were taken in the fall of 2004, on my way home between Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Fort Collins, Colorado, with the next, taken at one of the ponds just off the I25, Fort Collins, Harmony Exit.

Early morning fall day in Fort Collins, Colorado with light fog rising from pond

Just south of Cheyenne, Wyoming, is the Colorado Wind Farm. Wind energy would probably be more popular if it was a non-renuable resource that could be owned and fought over.

Sunrise over the Colorado Wind Farm, as seen looking over the Colorado / Wyoming border

New or old, a windmill alway seems to add something to a picture. This one sits just to the east of Interstate 25, around mile marker 288 I think, in northern Colorado.

Dawn creeping up on a old wind mill along I25 in northern Colorado

A cold early-winter sunrise with a light dusting of snow and a leafless tree, south of the Wyoming-Colorado border along I25.

Sunrise alone I25, south of the Colorado/Wyoming border, a few days after a light mid November snow

Nightshift Blues

Night fades with light of dawn
Consciousness all but gone
Warmth and passion seldom shared
Sacrifices beared
Companionship today at best
Waking up with cat on chest
Of this I did not choose
No escaping nightshift blues

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